
Can bailiffs to impose fines on banks

The discussion about the delimitation of competencies of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the Federal bailiff service of Russia with respect to the accountability of credit institutions for violation of the rights of the defaulter for the recovery of the debt is gaining momentum. Federal bailiff service confident that this issue of the Federal law from 03.07.2016, № 230 – FZ "On protection of rights and legitimate interests of individuals with the implementation of


Novelties in Russian corporate legislation — holding structure. Currently, in the Russian business practice widespread the concept of "holding". However, in the legislation, this concept does not apply. Many of the problems associated with corporate governance within the group companies remain just that-a theory disclosed in scientific articles. Moreover, not only the law, but Russian judicial practice is often not

What is the Fund?

Often business owners turn to the question of further perspectives of creation of such forms of non-profit organizations as a Foundation. In this article in a multiple form set out the main features of this organizational form. According to the latest changes in the civil code of the Russian Federation, the Fund recognizes a unitary non-commercial organization not having membership, founded by citizens and (or) legal entities based on voluntary property contributions and pursuing

The contract of donation between legal entities

In the work "in-house" lawyer groups, quite often the situation arises when you need to transfer some assets from one structure to another holding. In this case, the user requests to complete the exchange of a contract of donation, believing this method is the most simple from the point of view of legal content. When this issue gets on the analysis of the lawyer, his first reaction – donation between the commercial organisations is prohibited

The issue of supply contracts

Supply contract in the usual economic activity of any entrepreneur, both large and small entrepreneurs, is perhaps the most popular civil law contract. However, not every entrepreneur pays attention to the legal content of the Contract, preferring to make the transaction as fast as possible. At the same time, hastily prepared a Contract may contain significant defects, upon detection of which is under threat

The adventures of foreigners in Russia or how to register a branch of foreign company

In order to register a branch or representative office of a foreign company on the territory of the Russian Federation was similar to the mad race and the chaotic ferment with a bunch of papers from one court to another, and an unpleasant aftertaste from apparent misunderstanding on the part of officials has not led to disappointment in your decision to start your business in Russia, entrust all actions

Should I keep the register of shareholders independently?

According to paragraph 1 of article 44 of the Law on joint-stock companies (hereinafter — JSC Law) in the register of shareholders shall contain information about each registered person, quantity and categories (types) of shares recorded to the name of each registered person, other information stipulated by legal acts of the Russian Federation. Legal definition of registry enshrined in the regulations on maintaining the register owners of registered securities (hereinafter

Contestation of decisions taken at the General meeting

Courts, to whose competence includes consideration of cases on challenging decisions of the General meeting of shareholders are the state arbitration courts and arbitration courts. Competence of the state arbitration courts in cases challenging the decisions of the General meeting of shareholders is obvious and cannot be questioned because of the following. Arbitration procedure code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter — APK RF) contains rules, according to which: 1)