"Solve the problem of the debt of any size"

July 14, 2017, 9:10 a.m.

It is with these words of his colleague lawyer began the business meeting of the international club of businessmen, a visit to which has become a good tradition.

First reaction - this does not happen! Really, any? No, wait, but if the amount is really big, how can it be? These questions swirled in his head along with a fading interest in the presentation of colleagues and memories of the buffet: what kind of sandwiches were served today?

But overcoming the skepticism, still listened to the end and he learned a lot of interesting, something not previously encountered.

Is the mechanism of settlement of any debt of a natural person (this is important, the scheme is applicable to it) can be resolved by acquiring (here and hidden issue discount reduction of debt) bill the right of the company (here, of course, exclusive from colleagues went advertising), which can ensure the termination of enforcement proceedings without any negative consequences.

Vskidku the scheme is working. I want to try it on your practical experience. So if someone has a debt of 1 million (no, well, in less we have to do this) ready to work on Your question. Free.

On the further practical application of the scheme will write in the future.

Have a good day