Hotel and restaurant consulting

We solve any problems related to the hotel and restaurant business. We build work considering specifics of business in Russia.

We can open a hotel, a restaurant, a coffee shop, get all the permitting documents, to create and protect a trademark.

Whom are helping:

  • large restaurant holdings,
  • public catering establishment,
  • catering companies,
  • suppliers and manufacturers of equipment, food and services for hotels, restaurants, bars and cafes.

Thanks to experience in many areas of legal protection of business, we approach the work in a comprehensive manner .

Demand for legal services in the field of HoReCa:

  • Comprehensive legal support for entering the Russian market
  • Representation of the client's interests in relations with the state bodies of the Russian Federation in the process of inspections, assistance in matters of certification and licensing
  • Legal advice on franchising, building a distribution network, expanding business
  • Contractual work, structuring of legal relations with contractors
  • Project financing, legal support of investment projects
  • Taxation planning
  • Representation of interests during negotiations on lease issues
  • Legal support of construction projects
  • Legal support for the catering services provision
  • Consulting on all aspects of labor law and personnel administration
  • Protection of intellectual property rights
  • Advising on advertising issues
  • Representation in disputes

The hotel and restaurant business in Russia always attracts attention from the inspectors of all levels and directions. There are often tricky checks on the" recommendations " of competitors. We will protect your business from attacks from any side!

If you are going to open a hotel or restaurant, write to us, we will help to avoid pitfalls.

If you don't want to wait, just call us on phone:
+ 7 (495) 181-20-15

The hotel and restaurant business is a costly and highly profitable area. If you don't want to take risks, contact your lawyers before the problem occurs. We will conduct an audit of all your activities and identify weaknesses.